636. A Shabbos Worker; The 39 Melachos

Shabbos 6:25

If a person hires an employee to tend an animal or to babysit, he should not pay him a wage for Shabbos; accordingly, the employee is not responsible for Shabbos. If an employee was hired on a weekly basis, or an annual basis, he is paid the full amount (including Shabbos) and is responsible for Shabbos. In such a case, the employee may not say, “Pay me for Shabbos.” Rather, he must say something like, “Pay me for the year” or “Pay me for the ten days,” etc.

Shabbos 7:1

The acts of labor for which one is liable to be executed by stoning or to receive spiritual excision (kareis) if willfully violated, or for which one must bring a sin offering if committed unintentionally, have both primary categories and subordinate categories. There are 39 types of labor: plowing, planting, reaping, binding sheaves, threshing, winnowing, sorting, grinding, sifting, kneading, baking, shearing, bleaching, beating wool, dyeing, spinning, making the loops, stretching the warp, weaving two threads together, separating two threads, tying, untying, sewing, tearing, building, demolishing, the final hammer blow (i.e., completion), trapping, slaughtering, skinning, curing a hide, scraping, cutting; writing, erasing, scoring lines, kindling, extinguishing and transporting between different domains.