631. Renting Out a Field, a Business, Utensils, Cattle

Shabbos 6:15

Similarly, a Jew is permitted to rent his vineyard or his field to a non-Jew even though the renter will work them on Shabbos because passersby will understand that they have been rented out or leased as part of a sharecropping arrangement. However, if a business is known by the name of its Jewish owner and is not of a kind that this city’s residents typically rent out or lease as part of a profit-sharing arrangement, then it is prohibited to rent it to a non-Jew. This is because the non-Jew will perform labor there on Shabbos, which will be attributed to the Jewish owner.

Shabbos 6:16

A Jew may lend and rent utensils to a non-Jew even though he will perform labor with them on Shabbos because we are not obligated to make our utensils rest on Shabbos. One may not, however, lend or rent a servant or animals to work on Shabbos because the Torah commands us to see that they rest.