628. What One May Request of a Non-Jew on Shabbos

Shabbos 6:9

A Jew is permitted to direct a non-Jew to perform an activity that is not an act of labor and that is only prohibited on Shabbos to encourage rest (shvus), so long as it is necessary for a person in discomfort, for a compelling matter, or for a mitzvah.

Shabbos 6:10

Because of the stipulations in 6:9, a Jew may direct a non-Jew to climb a tree on Shabbos or to swim across water in order to bring him a shofar or a knife to perform a bris. Similarly, one may have a non-Jew transport hot water from one courtyard to another in order to bathe a child or a person who needs it even if an eruv was not made to connect the courtyards. The same principle applies in all similar scenarios.