Resources for Beitzah daf 21

מראה מקומות

Rabbi Yitzchok Gutterman

1. The גמרא says that a person cannot do מלאכה for a גוי or an animal on יו"ט because the פּסוק excludes גוים and animals with the word “לכם”. It is unclear from the גמרא whether this means that cooking for a גוי would go back to having the regular לאו ועשה of יו"ט, or would we say that in fact the לאו is completely gone, and לכם is just a new איסור עשה? See תוספות back on דף י"ב ד"ה השוחט who says according to ב"ה, someone who shechts נדרים ונדבות on יו"ט is only עובר the עשה דלכם but not the regular איסור עשה of יו"ט sinceמתוך שהותרה לצורך וכו removes the איסור עשה. See the אבני מילואים שו"ת סימן ב' who says that in our case of cooking for a גוי, even ב"ש, who does not hold ofמתוך , would agree it is only an עשה. This is because both animals and גוים are certainly considered a נפש in regards to אוכל נפש, and the only issue is the עשה of לכם. See the מגיה in the footnote there who suggests the exact opposite, that לכם ולא לגוים is a גילוי that גוים were never included in the היתר of אוכל נפש to begin with, in which case the full לאו ועשה of יו"ט would apply.

In a related issue, there is a famous discussion about the following: we know that a person must only pay up to a fifth of their money to do a mitzvah, but must give up all their money to avoid an עבירה. The question is where does an איסור עשה fall? Is it considered like an עשה where you would only pay up to a fifth or do we say that since it is similar to a לאו, in that you are violating בקום ועשה what the Torah says, it should be treated as a לאו and you would need to give up all your money. See the מהרש"ם חלק ה' סימן נ"ד who brings a proof from our גמרא. Our גמרא brings the story of שמעון התמני who said that plunderers came to his town and tried to steal all their money so they shechted some animals to appease them. רבי יהודה בן בבא’s response was that יצא שכרכם בהפסדכם since they should not have violated יו"ט because לכם excludes גוים. The מהרש"ם points out that since it is only an איסור עשה and still רבי יהודה בן בבא said they had sinned, we can learn from here that one is expected to give up all of their money to avoid doing an איסור עשה.

2. The גמרא says that you cannot bring שלמי נדבה on יו"ט, even though you will eat some of it, since it is all considered משלחן גבוה קא זכו.There is an important discussion about what the exact nature of “משלחן גבוה קא זכו” is. Is the גמרא saying that the real owner is Hashem and therefore it’s all for Hashem? Or is it saying that the main purpose of שחיטה is for Hashem? See the אבני מילואים שו"ת סימן בּ who discusses the following question: can a non-Jewish butcher who owns an animal ask a Jewish שוחט on יו"ט to schecht the animal for him to sell to Jews on יו"ט. He cites two main approaches to answer this question based on our גמרא: one approach (which is best in line with רש"י, ר"י, שב יעקב) is that owner of the animal when it is slaughtered is what’s קובע whether the היתר of אוכל נפש applies or not. Therefore, our שוחט couldn’t schecht. The second approach (in line with the ריב"א, נו"ב) says that what’s קובע is the main purpose of the person doing the מלאכה, in which case the שוחט could schecht.

3. The גמרא says that you cannot bake a dough that is jointly owned by a Jew and גוי since you are able to split the dough before baking it. תוספות on our דף asks why isn’t it permitted for the same reason we cited earlier (regarding ריבוי שיעורים) that having a fuller oven makes all of the bread bake better? תוספות answer that we only allow this with one’s own bread since he could technically eat any piece, plus guests could come, neither of which would apply to the case of a גוי’s bread. See the ר"ן who brings an opinion that in fact it would be permitted and that the גמרא is discussing a case where the oven is already full enough with the Jew’s portion of the bread.


מראה מקומות

Rabbi Schachne Weinberger 

דף כ''א ע''א

שאני שבות שבת משבות יו"ט

-משנה למלך הלכות יו"ט פרק א' הלכה י"ז


- שאגת אריה סי' ק"ח

- מועדים וזמנים חלק א' סי' מ"ו

תוס' ד"ה עיסה 

- ראש יוסף

- חתם סופר ד"ה אסור

- צל"ח

תד"ה הואיל 

- קרבן נתנאל פרק ג' אות ב'

- שו"ת רע"א ח"א סי' ה'

- אור שמח הלכות יו"ט פרק ח' הלכה ז'

דף כ''א ע"ב

ולא לכלבים 

- רז"ה

- רמב"ן

- אור שמח הלכות שבת סוף פרק כ"ה

- מועדים וזמנים חלק ז' סי' קמ"ד

תינח בחבשתא 

- אתוון דאורייתא סוף כלל כ"ה

ופליגא דריב"ל 


- ר"ן

- ב"ח סי' תקי"א סתירה בהר"ן

- מג"א סי' תק"א ס"ק ג'

- מלאכת יו"ט אות ק"כ

- קהלת יעקב סי' י"ד

- אמרי בינה דיני יו"ט סי' ב'

רש"י ד"ה לא יחם 

- ראש יוסף

- רש"ש

תוס' ד"ה לא יחם 

- רע"א


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