605. Placing Meat in an Oven Before Shabbos

Shabbos 3:12

One may not fill a pot with peas or beans, nor a jug with water, and place it in an oven late on Friday afternoon and leave it there to cook on Shabbos. Even if these or comparable foods were not cooked at all, they are considered food that was not fully cooked because they don’t take long to cook. Therefore, the person will not divert his attention from the cooking because he intends to eat them very soon. Therefore, they may not be left to cook in an oven. If one did leave them in the oven, he may not eat them until Saturday night, waiting long enough after Shabbos ends for the dish to have been cooked.

Shabbos 3:13

What if meat was placed in an oven late on Friday and left to roast on Shabbos? In such a case, if the meat is from a kid or similar types of meat, it is permitted because these only require the warmth of the fire; if one stokes the coals, he will cause the meat to burn. If the meat is from a goat or an ox, it is prohibited because in such a case one might stir the coals in order to make the food cook faster. If one sealed the opening of the oven with clay [an action relevant to their ovens if not ours], it is permitted because if one were to unseal the oven in order to stir the coals, the wind will get in, the temperature will drop dramatically and the meat will get ruined.