602. Food in the Oven

Shabbos 3:6

The Sages prohibited leaving food in an oven even if the fire was removed because one can only remove most of the coals and the most intense heat, but one cannot remove all the fire so that nothing remains. Since an oven is very hot, we are concerned that one will stoke the fire in order to make it burn better.

Shabbos 3:7

There is another type of cooking appliance called a kopach that has the fire below and room for a single pot above. This is hotter than a stove but not as hot as an oven. If wood or olive residue is used as its fuel, it is treated the same as an oven and we may not leave food in it, on it, or next to it if it was not completely cooked, or if completely cooked but further cooking will improve it. This is so even if the fire was removed or covered with ashes. If straw or stubble is used as fuel, it is treated the same as a stove and food may remain cooking on it.