Resources for Beitzah daf 19

מראה מקומות

Rabbi Yitzchok Gutterman

1. The גמרא says that one can be טובל מגב לגב which the גמרא explains to mean going from גתו לכדו. רש"י says this means that the person toveiled something thinking that when one switches from using equipment for olive oil to wine use, you must טובל the כלי again. The משמעות of רש"י is that in fact a טבילה is not necessary. See the רשב"א who disagrees and says that there is a חיוב to מדרבנן טובל. He says it is similar to the ”מעלות” mentioned in חגיגה where if you are טובל a כלי with intention to use it for חולין and change your mind and decide to use it for מעשר, you must טובל it again. He also quotes the רבינו חננאל who says it is actually referring to changing it from מעשר to תרומה. See the שיטה מקובצת who disagrees and says that there really is no point to the טבילה (like רש"י), and the חידוש is that even though this person thinks he is accomplishing something by toveiling it, we still allow it.

2. The גמרא says that one can be טובל from חבורה לחבורה. רש"י explains that this refers to the קרבן פּסח and the case is where one is switching from one חבורה to another. See the תוספות חכמי אנגליה who ask how can you switch from one חבורה to another? The גמרא is discussing toveling on יו"ט, in which case the קרבן פּסח must already have been schechted. Once it is shechted, you must remain with your חבורה and can’t switch! His answer is astounding—he says that once you eat a כזית, you are free to switch to another חבורה! This is hard to understand since בפּשטות one cannot eat a קרבן פּסח if they had not been previously נמנה on it.

3. ב"ש says that one cannot do סמיכה on יו"ט because of the איסור דרבנן of משתמש בבעל חי. See the שפת אמת דף כּ' ד"ה והנה who asks why this should be an issue as we have a principle called אין שבות במקדש? He answers that the concept of אין שבות במקדש is based on the fact that כהנים do the work in the בית המקדש and כהנים זריזים הם. Therefore, at least when performing עבודה in the בית המקדש, we trust the כהנים and don’t need שבותים. However, סמיכה is done by the בעלים. Therefore אין שבות במקדש does not apply.

4. The גמרא says that if you hold that בל תאחר works even not כסדרן, then if you are נודר a תודה קרבן before סוכות, it is an עצה טובה to bring it on סוכות or else you will need to make a special trip to ירושלים to bring it since you can’t bring it on פּסח or שבועות. See the חכם צבי סימן י"ב who asks why this is just an עצה טובה? The ו דף ה"ר גמרא says that although תאחר בל requires three רגלים to pass, after even just one רגל you are עובר an עשה. So it is not just an עצה טובה—it’s a חיוב גמור to bring it at the first רגל you encounter! See the פּני יהושע who is מחדש that the עשה only applies once you were already מפריש the animal. If you have not yet been מפריש the animal, then there is no עשה, but the לאו of בל תאחר still applies.

5. See the טורי אבן ר"ה דף ו who asks why בל תאחר should apply to a קרבן תודה at all. If you can’t bring it on פּסח, then you only have two רגלים in which to bring it. If so, it is מסתבר that the whole לאו does not apply. It is similar to a case when the animal gets sick and the גמרא says that the missed רגל doesn’t count. See the דברי יחזקאל סימן י"ג אות ז who says that getting sick is an issue with the קרבן itself. Not being able to eat the לחמי תודה is an issue with the בעלים which does not count as if the קרבן can’t be brought.


מראה מקומות

Rabbi Schachne Weinberger 

דף י''ט ע''א

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