588. Sick Eyes on Shabbos

Shabbos 2:3

When a dangerously-ill patient requires treatment on Shabbos, it should not be administered by non-Jews, minors, servants or women, so that people will not come to take Shabbos less seriously. Rather, the treatment should be administered by the leaders and scholars of the people (so that everyone will see how serious a matter this is). We are not permitted to hesitate before violating Shabbos for a dangerously ill person, as per Leviticus 18:5, “that a person shall perform in order to live by them.” One is meant to live because of the mitzvos, not die because of them. We learn from this that the Torah is not meant to bring wrath to the world, but rather mercy, kindness and peace. Regarding those who think that treating such a patient is a violation of the Torah and prohibited, we can apply Ezekiel 20:25, “I gave them laws that were not good and judgments through which they could not live.”

Shabbos 2:4

If a person has sick eyes on Shabbos, such as a secretion from one or both of them, tears flowing from them because of pain, blood flowing from them, or they are affected by fever, among other such conditions, he is considered like one who is dangerously ill. Shabbos may be violated for him and any necessary treatment may be performed.