576. The Importance of Bris Milah

Milah 3:7

A Jew is not permitted to circumcise a non-Jew who is removing his foreskin for medical reasons. Even though a mitzvah is carried out through the medical procedure, this is not the patient’s intention. If the patient intends to fulfill the mitzvah of bris milah, then it is a mitzvah to circumcise him.

Milah 3:8

The foreskin is used as a term of contempt in such verses as Jeremiah 9:25, “For all the nations are uncircumcised,” while circumcision is used as a term of praise. For example, Abraham was not called perfect until he was circumcised. Genesis 17:1-2 says, “Walk before Me and be perfect, and I will place My covenant between Me and you.” Any Jewish male who violates the covenant of our forefather Abraham and leaves his foreskin uncircumcised, or if he was circumcised but cosmetically causes himself to appear uncircumcised, forfeits his share in the Next World even if he studied Torah and performed good deeds.