566. Born as Shabbos Begins

Milah 1:15

If a baby’s head emerges from the birth canal bein hashmasos on Friday but the body does not emerge until Shabbos has begun, the baby is not circumcised on Shabbos. Whenever a bris does not override Shabbos, it also does not override the first day of yom tov, though it does override the second day of yom tov. On Rosh Hashana, it does not override the first or the second day. Similarly, a bris that is not conducted at the appropriate time does not override the two days of Rosh Hashana.

Milah 1:16

A sick person is not to be circumcised until he recovers. One should count seven full days from the time the person recovers until the bris. This is in the case of a high fever or some similar disease. If, however, one’s eyes hurt, he may be circumcised as soon as he recovers. This is true in all similar cases.