550. Entering and Leaving a City

Brachos 10:25

When entering a large city, one should say, “May it be Your will, Hashem my God, that I enter this city in peace.” If he enters in peace, he should say, “I thank You, Hashem my God, for enabling me to enter in peace.” When he desires to leave, he should say, “May it be Your will, Hashem my God, that I depart from this city in peace.” If he departs in peace, he should say, “I thank You, Hashem my God, for enabling me to depart in peace. Just as You have permitted me to depart in peace, so may You lead me in peace, guide my steps in peace, support me in peace, and save me from the hands of enemies and antagonists along the way.”

Brachos 10:26

A person should always pray to God about future events, asking for mercy. One should thank God for things that happened in the past, expressing gratitude and praise according to one’s ability. One who praises and thanks God profusely and continuously is deserving of praise.