549. Entering and Leaving the Beis Medrash

Brachos 10:23

When one enters the study hall, he should say, “May it be Your will, Hashem our God, that I not stumble in a matter of law, nor rule that something pure is impure, nor that something that impure is pure, nor rule that something permitted is forbidden, nor that something forbidden is permitted, and may I not err in any matter of law that will make cause my colleagues to deride me, nor may my colleagues err causing me to deride them.

Brachos 10:24

When one leaves the study hall, he should say, “I thank You, Hashem our God, for granting me a portion among those who sit in the study hall and not among those who congregate on street corners. I get up early and they get up early, but I get up early for words of Torah and they get up early for unimportant things. I labor and they labor, but I labor for words of Torah and receive a reward while they labor without receiving a reward. I run and they run, but I run to the life in the Next World while they run to the pit of destruction.