547. Visiting the Bathhouse

Brachos 10:19

When one sees an idolatrous settlement, he should recite Proverbs 15:25, “God will uproot the house of the arrogant.” If he sees it in ruins, he should recite Psalms 94:1, “Hashem is a God of retribution. God of retribution, reveal Yourself!” If he sees their graves, he should recite Jeremiah 50:12, “Your mother will be greatly ashamed.”

Brachos 10:20

One who enters a bathhouse should say “May it be Your will, Hashem our God, that You cause me to enter in peace and to depart in peace, and that You save me from this and from all similar things in the future.” Upon leaving the bathhouse, one should say, “I give thanks to You, Hashem our God, for saving me from the fire.”