545. Kiddush Levana

Brachos 10:15

The bracha that God “performs the work of creation” is recited upon seeing mountains, hills, seas, deserts or rivers after not seeing them for thirty days. One who sees the ocean after thirty days recites the bracha that God “created the ocean.”

Brachos 10:16

When one sees a rainbow, he recites the bracha that God “remembers the covenant, is faithful to His covenant and keeps His word.” When one sees the moon upon its monthly renewal, he recites the bracha that God “created the heavens through His word, and all they contain with the breath of His mouth. He gave them a law and a schedule so that they would not alter their tasks. They celebrate and rejoice in carrying out the will of their Creator. They are faithful servants whose service is righteousness. He instructed the moon to renew itself like a crown of glory for those whom He bears from the womb and who are destined to be renewed like the moon and to praise their Creator for the glory of His kingdom and for all He has created. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who renews the months.”