Resources for Beitzah 11

מראה מקומות

Rabbi Yitzchok Gutterman 

  1. The גמרא brings a מחלוקת between ב"ש וב"ה about bringing a butcher and his knife to an animal on יו"ט. ב"ש says you are not allowed to bring the butcher and his knife to the animal. רש"י understands the issue to be one of טרחא שלא לצורך. In other words, if you change your mind and don’t slaughter the animal, then you will have done a טרחא שלא לצורך. See the רשב"א on this סוגיא who disagrees and says that if רש"י was correct, what exactly would be the cutoff point of being too far away? We know ב"ש allows שחיטה on יו"ט, and it’s not מסתבר that the knife needs to be attached to the neck of the animal to allow שחיטה. Rather, the רשב"א says the issue is one of הוצאה. In other words, if one ended up not slaughtering the animal, the result would be that one carried for no reason which is forbidden, even on יו"ט (there has to be at least a צורך יו"ט קצת). See the תוספתא פּרק א' הי"ג (which is brought in the מסורת הש"ס on the side of the גמרא) for an alternative גירסא. According to the תוספתא, ב"ש does allow bringing the butcher and knife to the animal, but not vice versa. Like רש"י, this can be explained as ב"ש allowing a smallerטרחא of moving a person as opposed to a greater טרחא  of moving an animal. Like the רשב"א it would be harder to understand the חילוק.
  2. As mentioned, ב"ש does not allow one to bring the knife to the animal since he may change his mind and not slaughter the animal. See the קובץ שיעורים אות מ"אwho asks a very basic question: Why should we be concerned about his potential change of mind? He cites as an example the הלכה of עירוב תבשילין. עירוב תבשילין is based on the concept of the cooking really being מותר מדאורייתא since one is allowed to cook in case guests drop in. We all know there is little chance that guests would show up and his primary motivation is to cook for שבת. Yet we allow the מלאכה since one might need the food for יו"ט. Similarly, when one carries the knife to the animal, he carried it because he might need it on יו"ט. Would we say that someone who cooks food and then decides he isn’t hungry indeed did something wrong? He leaves this as a צריך עיון.
  3. ב"ה allows for a person to carry their knife to the animal on יו"ט to slaughter it. See the ר"ן who asks why we do not require him to do this prior to יו"ט since it should be considered מכשירי אוכל נפש שאפשר לעשותו מערב יו"ט which one cannot do on יו"ט. He answers that carrying is considered תיקון אוכל נפש itself and not מכשירי אוכל נפש. See the אבני נזר, או"ח ת"ו אות י"ב who asks why this is different than sharpening a knife which must be done before יו"ט? He answers that by sharpening a knife, the תיקון is done to the knife itself. By the case of carrying, just as the knife is coming closer to the animal, the animal is coming closer to the knife, so we can view the תיקון as being done to the food itself.
  4. The גמרא brings a list of three cases that were היתירו סופן משום תחילתן. See the רשב"א who explains that the גמרא is clear that this is not an exhaustive list. Rather, it is just a list where it is a חידוש to say that the היתר was due to היתירו סופן משום תחילתן. See the שו”ת יחוה דעת ח”א סי’ ל”גwho suggests that one should be allowed to lower the flame under the food one is cooking because of היתירו סופן משום תחילתן. See also אגרות משה, או"ח חלק ד' סימן פ who says that a הצלה member who traveled to the hospital on a call can drive a car home due to  היתירו סופן משום תחילתן. Rav Moshe’s פּסק is partially based on the רשב"א mentioned above, ע"ש. See מנחת שלמה, סימן ח who disagrees with the פּסק of the אגרות משה. He says that היתירו סופן משום תחילתן does not allow one, under these circumstances, to travel outside the תחום, and the היתר would certainly not apply by an איסור דאורייתא.


מראה מקומות


Rabbi Schachne Weinberger 

דף י''א ע''א

רש"י ד"ה מפורחים

עיין פני יהושע


אין נוטלין את העלי

שו"ע סי' תצ"ט סעיף ה', משנה ברורה ס"ק י"ט


אין מוליכין טבח וסכין

מלאכת יו"ט אות צ' ואות ק"י

חת"ס שו"ת או"ח סי' קמ"ז


בית שמאי חיישי לאימלוכי

מלאכת יו"ט אות פ"ט השמטות


דף י'א ע"ב

מערים ומלח

ר"ן, רא"ש סי' ט"ז (הג"א שם, וקרבן נתנאל אות ה')

שו"ע סי' ת"ק סעיף ה', משנה ברורה ס''ק כ''ג


רש"י ד"ה אין בנין בכלים

תוס' שבת דף ע"ד ע"ב ד"ה חביתא


סופן משום תחילתן


אגרות משה או"ח חלק ג' סי' פ'


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