542. Brachos on Miracles

Brachos 10:9

One who sees a place where miracles were performed for the Jewish people, such the Red Sea or the crossing of the Jordan, recites the bracha that God “performed miracles for our ancestors in this place.” This is only recited at a place where miracles were performed for many people. In a place where a miracle was performed for an individual, that person, his son and his grandson should recite the bracha that God “performed a miracle for me in this place” or “performed a miracle for my ancestors in this place.” If a person sees the lion den into which Daniel was thrown, or the furnace into which Chananiah, Mishael and Azariah were thrown, he recites the bracha that God “performed miracles for the righteous in this place.”

One who sees a place of idolatry recites the bracha that God “is patient with those who transgress His will.” If he sees a place in Israel where idolatry has been uprooted, he recites the bracha that God “uproots the worship of idols from our land.” Outside of Israel, one recites a bracha that God “uprooted the worship of idols from this place.” In each case, one adds, “Just as You have uprooted it from this place, may it likewise be uprooted everywhere, and may You turn the hearts of those who worship idols to serve You.”

Brachos 10:10

One who sees a settlement of Jewish homes recites a bracha that God “establishes the border of the widow.” If the homes are ruins, he recites Dayan ha’emes, that God is “the true Judge.” One who sees Jewish graves recite the bracha “…Who created you with justice, judged you with justice, sustained you with justice, ended your lives with justice, and Who will cause you to stand up in the future with justice for life in the Next World. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who revives the dead.”