526. Brachos on Fruit Juice, Raw and Cooked Vegetables

Brachos 8:2

If a person squeezes fruit – except for grapes and olives - to extract the juice, the bracha is shehakol before and Borei nefashos after. Over wine, one recites Borei pri hagafen before and the bracha that includes the three themes of bentching (i.e., al hagefen) after. One recites ho’eitz before olive oil. This applies when one has a sore throat and drinks the oil together with the liquid of cooked vegetables so that he benefits from drinking it. If a person just drank olive oil straight, or if he did not have a sore throat, then he recites shehakol because he did not benefit from the taste of the oil.

Brachos 8:3

If one cooks fruits or vegetables that are normally eaten raw, he recites shehakol before and Borei nefashos after. If one takes vegetables that are normally cooked, such as cabbage or turnips, and eats them raw, he recites shehakol before and Borei nefashos after. When he eats them cooked, he recites Borei pri ho’adamah before and Borei nefashos after. If a food is commonly eaten both raw and cooked, then however he eats it, one recites the appropriate bracha beforehand: Borei pri ho’eitz if it’s a fruit that grows on a tree and Borei pri ho’adamah if it’s a fruit that grows from the ground or a vegetable.