524. Bentching Over Wine

Brachos 7:13

After the diners have finished washing and drying their hands, and bentching, the one who led bentching should recite the bracha over the incense when the censer is brought in. Everyone else responds amen.

Brachos 7:14

If wine is available, bentching is recited over a cup. We bring a cup that holds a revi’is (3+ ounces) or more of wine, and spices. The one who leads bentching holds the wine in his right hand and the spices in his left hand during bentching. Afterwards, he recites the bracha on the wine, then the bracha on the spices. If the spices are fragrant oil or something similar, he rubs them on the head of the attendant when he has finished. If the attendant is a Torah scholar, he should rub it on the wall so that he doesn’t go out perfumed in public.