522. Not Ruining Food

Brachos 7:9

Raw meat may not be placed on bread, nor may a full cup be passed over bread. Bread may not be used to support a dish, nor may it be thrown. The same applies to meat and other food without shells, such as berries, grapes and figs, which will get ruined. One may cause wine to flow through the pipes of a bridal hall, and roasted grain and nuts may be tossed at the newlyweds in summer. This is not permitted in the winter because they will be ruined. We may not wash our hands with wine regardless of whether it has been diluted. Similarly, we may not ruin any other food or beverage by treating it in a disrespectful, scornful manner.

Brachos 7:10

Guests are not permitted to take food that they have been served and give it to the children of their host. Maybe the host will be embarrassed because he served all that he had and that was then taken by the children. One may not send a friend a barrel of wine with oil on the surface because he may come to send the friend a barrel that is entirely wine with only a little oil on the surface. The recipient, thinking it’s a barrel of oil, may then offer it to guests and be embarrassed at his inability to see through on his offer. Any other activity that may embarrass a person who is feeding guests is likewise prohibited.