514. Pouring the Water

Brachos 6:13

Any person may pour water over one’s hands, even one who was born deaf and does not speak, one who lacks mental competence, and a minor, who are generally exempt from religious responsibilities. If no one else is around, one may: hold the vessel between his knees and pour the water over his hands; tip a jug so that the water spills over his hands; pour the water over his hands one at a time instead of simultaneously. [Editor’s note: We generally wash our hands one at a time anyway.] Even a monkey can pour the water over one's hands.

Brachos 6:14

Let’s say that one pours water into a trough and it flows from there through a channel to vegetables or animals. One may not place his hands in the trough to let the water pass over them because this water is not coming from human agency. If one's hands were near the place where the bucket is poured into the trough so that the water is poured over his hands by human effort, it is acceptable.