511. Water That Was Worked With

Brachos 6:7

Four things render water unacceptable for hand-washing: changing color, being left open, being used for work, and being spoiled to the point where an animal wouldn’t drink it. Changing color includes water that changed color from being stored in the ground or in a vessel, or because of something that fell into it, etc. If water was left uncovered so that it may no longer be drunk, it may likewise not be used for hand-washing.

Brachos 6:8

Any water that was used for work is considered like waste water and is unfit to use for hand-washing. Water that was drawn from its source, that was used to wash dishes or to dip bread in, etc. may not be used for washing hands, whether it was stored in a vessel or in the ground. If water was used to rinse clean or new dishes, it is not invalidated. Water that a baker dips crackers into may not be used for hand-washing but if he removes some water to rub on dough when kneading it, the rest may be used. This is because work was only done with the water that was removed.