Pass the Test

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In this week's parashat Lech Lecha, we begin to read about the tests of Avraham Avinu. The Mesilat Yesharim writes that the purpose of man in this world is "לעמוד בניסיון"-to pass his tests. Avraham became so great because he passed his tests. Hashem, in his infinite wisdom gives each person the exact tests and challenges he needs to become great. We are tested countless times a day. Before a test is put in front of a person, Hashem takes into account the person's background, his knowledge of the subject and his abilities to overcome it. Only after everything is taken into consideration is the test finally given. Hashem does this for millions of people every second of the day.

The Midrash says that the words "לך לך"-Go forth- were used for two of Avraham's ten tests. The first is in this Parasha- to leave his birthplace and travel to an unknown destination. The second instance is found in Parashat Vayerah, when he was commanded to sacrifice his son Yitzchak. The Midrash concludes, " ואין אנו יודעים איזו חביבה"-We don't know which of those two tests was more precious to Hashem. How can that be? How could passing the test of relocating compare to the test of slaughtering his son? We learn from here that we have no idea how to measure a test. Each one is experienced at a different point in a person's life under different circumstances, with different things going on.

For this reason, it is impossible to ever measure the greatness of a person. On the surface, It may appear that one person is on a very high level and another person is on a low level. But we don't know the challenges that people go through. We don't know how precious one word of Emunah is from someone undergoing a difficulty. There are people who endure such suffering, whether in their family life, health issues or financial problems. They are in a constant struggle to either feel anger towards Hashem and complain or to accept with love. They have their ups and downs, but each time they pass that test, they achieve greatness. Some people may be considered as great as the Gedole Hador-the righteous leaders of the generation, but they don't even know it.

 It is so difficult to watch people who are trying to be religious, yet their material lives don't improve. We are told that following Torah brings blessing, but we don't always see it. The reward for someone who continues serving Hashem while suffering is beyond our comprehension. It is a fact that following Torah is rewarded, but not necessarily right away. Avraham was told by Hashem that he should move to Israel, and he will become wealthy and have children. He listened, yet when he arrived, there was a famine, and he did not become wealthy right away. He was told he would have a child who would become a great nation, but Yitzchak wasn't born for another 25 years.

It says Shabbat is the מקור הרכה-source of blessing. Yet some people start keeping Shabbat and close their stores, but don't earn more money. Shabbat is still the מקור הברכה. The fact that they didn't earn more money right away is part of that test. Some people see blessing right away and some don't. Only Hashem knows why He treats each person the way He does. In the end, those who follow Hashem will only benefit.

A man told me that in 1981 he rented a store in Manhattan from a friend and had to pay $30,000 a month in rent. He told his friend that he became religious and was going to close the store on Shabbat. The friend told him, "I tried to sell from this store, but I fell behind on my mortgage payment of just $12,000. I was open seven days a week, from early morning until midnight, and I still couldn't make it. There's no way you are going to make the payments if you close on Shabbat. It's the busiest day of the week by far." The man was steadfast in his commitment to observe Shabbat. He replied, "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

The man said he would come to work on Sunday morning to the quiet streets, but somehow the few customers that entered the store would always place huge orders, $15,000 or $20,000 at a shot. He made a lot of money on that store and was never late on a rental payment.

 Following Hashem only helps. We don't always see the benefits right away, but if we can overcome that challenge and continue serving Him, we pass one of life's most difficult tests, and that makes us so great.

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