508. Washing the Hands

Brachos 6:1

One who eats bread for which the bracha is HaMotzi must wash his hands both before and after eating, even when the bread is not sanctified food. Even if one’s hands are already physically clean and he knows that he has not contracted any form of ritual uncleanliness, one must still wash both his hands before eating. The same rule applies when eating any food dipped in liquid.

Brachos 6:2

Whenever one ritually washes his hands, be it for eating or before prayer, he recites the bracha that God sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us regarding washing the hands. This is a rabbinically-instituted mitzvah, and the Torah commands us to follow such things as per Deuteronomy 17:11, which instructs us not to stray “from all the laws as they may direct you.” A bracha is not recited when we wash after eating because this was only instituted for health reasons – although that is a reason for one to be even more careful in its observance!