499. Wine in the Course of a Meal

Brachos 4:12

On Shabbos or yom tov, or at the meal after one lets blood or leaves the bathhouse [when these were things that people did], when one makes wine a main aspect of his meal, if he recites a bracha on wine before the meal, that bracha includes the wine that he drinks after the meal before bentching. On other days, one should recite a new bracha on wine drunk after the meal. If wine is served in the course of the meal, each diner should recite his own bracha because his mouth may not be empty in order to answer amen. This bracha does not cover wine drunk after the meal.

Brachos 5:1

Women and indentured servants are required to bentch, though there is a doubt as to whether their obligation is Biblical or rabbinic in nature. Therefore, they should not recite bentching on behalf of others. Children are clearly required to bentch by rabbinic obligation, in order to educate them in the performance of mitzvos.