497. Interrupting Drinking

Brachos 4:8

If people who are sitting and drinking wine together say “Let’s bentch” or “Let’s recite kiddush,” they stop drinking until they bentch or recite kiddush. If they want to drink more, even though they may not do so before bentching or saying kiddush, they must recite the bracha of Borei pri hagafen before they continue. However, if they say, “Let’s recite havdalah,” they do not repeat hagafen in order to continue drinking.

Brachos 4:9

If people gathered together to drink wine and they were served a different type of wine, such as red and black wine, or new and aged wine, they need not repeat the bracha over the new wine. They should, however, recite bracha HaTov v’HaMeitiv, that God is good and does good.