491. Pas Haba'ah B'kisnin

Brachos 3:9

The bracha recited before dough baked over the ground in the style of desert nomads is mezonos because it doesn’t have the appearance of bread. However, if one establishes his meal on it, the bracha is HaMotzi. The same rule applies to dough kneaded with honey, oil or milk and baked. This is called “pas haba'ah b'kisnin.” Even though it resembles bread, its bracha is mezonos; if one establishes his meal on it, the bracha is HaMotzi.

Brachos 3:10

Before eating cooked rice or bread made from rice, one recites the bracha of mezonos; after, one recites Borei nefashos. This is only if other ingredients are not mixed together with the rice. Before eating bread made of millet or other forms of pulse, one recites shehakol, and Borei nefashos after.