484. A Bracha for Newlyweds

Brachos 2:9

The bracha for a newly-married couple is recited after these four brachos. This bracha is not to be recited by servants or minors. When a widower marries a widow, this bracha is only recited on the first day. When a man who was never married before marries a widow, or a woman who was never married before marries a widower, it is recited during for the entire week of celebration.

Brachos 2:10

The bracha that is added after the fourth bracha of bentching is the last of the seven brachos recited at the wedding. This is only when all the people dining were at the wedding and already heard the wedding brachos recited. If other people are present who did not hear the brachos at the wedding, then all seven wedding brachos are recited after bentching. All this only applies when a minyan of ten adult males are present; this minyan may include the groom.