483. Blessings for the Host and in a Shiva House

Brachos 2:7

God’s sovereignty is mentioned three times in the fourth bracha. When a guest leads bentching in his host’s home, he should add a blessing for the host in the fourth bracha. He recites, “May it be Your will that this host not be disgraced in this world, nor shamed in the Next World.” One may elaborate on this blessing as he may desire.

Brachos 2:8

When bentching is recited in the house of a mourner, one adds in the fourth bracha, “The Living King, Who is good and Who does good, the true God, the true Judge Who decides justly, the Ruler of His world Who does as He desires. We are His people and His servants, and we must thank and bless Him for everything.” One then requests mercy for the mourner in order to comfort him as he desires, after which he concludes with HaRachaman.