480. Bentching

Brachos 2:1

The order of the brachos of bentching (grace after meals) is (1) for our sustenance; (2) for the land; (3) “Builder of Jerusalem”; and (4) “The One Who is good and Who performs good.” The first bracha was instituted by Moses, the second by Joshua; the third by Kings David and Solomon; and the fourth by the Sages.

Brachos 2:2

When hired workers eat a meal, they should not recite a bracha before eating and they should recite only two brachos after eating because they are on their employer’s time. They recite the first bracha of bentching in its entirety, then they start with the text of the second bracha, incorporating themes from the third bracha and concluding with the usual form of the second. If they only receive a meal in exchange for their services, or if they eat with their employer, then they should recite the full text of all four brachos as per usual.