474. Reciting Brachos for Others

Brachos 1:9

One who is ritually impure may recite brachos regardless of whether he can be purified that same day or not. A man who is naked may not recite a bracha until he covers his genitals. Women may recite brachos in a state of undress so long as they sit with their genitals on the ground.

Brachos 1:10

Even if a person has already recited a bracha and fulfilled his own obligation, he may nevertheless repeat it for others who have not yet fulfilled their obligation, enabling them to do so. This excludes brachos for enjoying a benefit that is not part of a mitzvah. In such a case, one may not recite brachos for others unless he will also be enjoying that particular benefit with them. When a benefit is part of a mitzvah, such as eating matzah on Pesach and reciting Kiddush, one may recite them for others, who may then eat or drink even though the one who recited the bracha doesn’t join them in doing so.