450. Beginning Hilchos Tzitzis

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 10:11

If a person is traveling with a sefer Torah, he may not put it in a bag, load it on a donkey, and then ride on the donkey; he may do this if he is afraid of thieves. If there is no threat, he should hold it while riding the animal. Whoever sits before a sefer Torah should do so with respect, awe and reverence since the Torah is a faithful testimony for all the inhabitants of the Earth, as per Deuteronomy 31:26, “It will be a testimony for you.” One must honor a sefer Torah as much as possible. The earlier Sages said that whoever disgraces the Torah will be disgraced by people, while whoever honors the Torah will be honored by people.

Tzitzis 1:1

The fringes on the corners of a garment, made from the same material as the garment, are called tzitzis because they resemble locks of hair. Ezekiel 8:3 uses the word “tzitzis” in the sense of locks of hair. This fringe is also called “lavan” (white) because we are not commanded to dye it. The Torah did not set a particular number of strands for this fringe.