449. Honoring the Torah

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 10:9

Whenever one sees a sefer Torah being carried, he must stand up for it. One must remain standing until the person carrying the Torah reaches his destination and stops or until the Torah is no longer visible. After this, one may sit.

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 10:10

There is a mitzvah to designate a place especially for a sefer Torah, as well as to honor it and to greatly glorify it. The words written on the two Tablets appear in every sefer Torah. One may not spit in front of a sefer Torah, nor undress or take his shoes off in front of it, nor carry it on his head as one does a burden. One may not turn his back on a sefer Torah unless it is elevated ten handbreadths higher than he is (about 30 inches).