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An Obligation to Curse and Bless
The concept of uttering a curse or blessing after mentioning the name of a rasha or tzadik, respectively. Consequences in Hilchos Krias Megillah. Prohibition of using a rasha’s name for one’s children. Using the term “zichrono livracha” for live people.
Citations: This shiur references Mishnah Yoma 3:11, Tosefta Ta’anis 3:8, Maseches Sofrim 14:3, Esther Rabbah 10th parshah, 9th os, Sefer HaMinhagim HaGa’os HaMinhagim Purim, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 690:17, Gemara Yoma 38b, Medrash Shmuel Parshah Alef, Teshuvos HaRadvaz, 2nd chelek, Even HaEzer, 6th siman.