Erasing Stains from the Souls of the Departed

A child’s tzedakah which is the result of the parent’s successful chinuch and contrasted with strangers dedicating the reward of their tzedakah towards any deceased person.

Various interpretations of the two “tzedakah tatzil” verses.

Redeeming a deceased person from having to stand in judgment for sins, or for a lack of positive mitzvos, by giving tzedakah for his soul.

Our limitations in understanding and describing olam haba, gan eden, gehinnom.

Dovid HaMelech’s attempts to save his son, Avshalom, via tefillah.

Citations: This shiur references Sefer Chasidim  #170, #611, and #1171, Teshuvos Yichaveh Da’as 6th chelek, 60th siman, Sefer Bris Olam (Chida) to Sefer Chasidim #170, Rabbeinu Bachye, p’sicha l’parshas Ki Savo, Tosfos Sota 10b s.v di-aiysay,Teshuvos Rav Pi-alim 4th chelek, Orach Chaim #7.