430. No Room at the End of a Line; Between the Books

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 7:6

If one has to write a two-letter word at the end of a line, he may not write it in-between the columns. Rather, he should write it at the start of the next line. If one had to write a word of ten letters - or more or less - in the middle of a line and there isn’t enough room remaining in the column, then if it is possible to write half of the word in the column and half in the margin, he should do that. If this is not possible, he should leave a space and continue at the start of the next line.

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 7:7

One must leave exactly four empty lines between each book of the Torah - no more, no less. The next book is started at the beginning of the next line. The end of the Torah should fall in the middle of the line at the bottom of the column. If there are many lines left in the column, he should write shorter lines, starting at the beginning of each line but not completing it, so that the words “l’einei kol Yisroel” (“in the eyes of all Israel” – the last words of the Torah) fall in the middle of the line at the bottom of the column.