410. Eating, Using the Restroom

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 4:16

One who has tefillin wrapped around his hand may sleep with them, even a long sleep. One may eat a snack while wearing tefillin but to eat a meal, he should remove them and place them on the table until after he washes mayim achronim. After that, he should put them on and bentch while wearing them.

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 4:17

If a person wearing tefillin needs to use the restroom, he should not place them in the cubbies outside the lavatory because these are close to the public domain and the tefillin might be taken by passersby. Rather, he should remove his tefillin four cubits away from the restroom (about six feet) and roll them in his clothes like a Torah scroll, holding them close to his heart with his right hand. He must ensure that the straps not stick out more than a handbreadth (about three inches) from his hand. He may then enter and relieve himself. He puts the tefillin back on after leaving the restroom and walking away a distance of more than four cubits.