405. Interrupting While Putting on Tefillin

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 4:6

After reciting the bracha “to put on tefillin” and tying the tefillin on the arm, one is not permitted to speak until he puts the tefillin on his head; he may not even respond to a greeting from his teacher. Talking at this time is considered a transgression. If he does speak in between putting on the arm and head tefillin, he must recite the second bracha, “regarding the mitzvah of tefillin," after which he places the tefillin on his head. (Editor’s note: remember, the position of the Rambam is normally to recite only one bracha when wearing both tefillin – refer back to halacha 4:5.)

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 4:7

A person recites the bracha whenever he puts on tefillin, even if he removes his tefillin and puts them back on several times throughout the day. One recites a bracha before performing a mitzvah; therefore, one recites the bracha for his arm tefillin after placing it on his muscle but before tying it because tying it constitutes fulfilling the mitzvah.