402. Positioning the Head Tefillin

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 3:19

If a tefillin strap should get torn, the pieces should not be tied or sewn together. It should be removed, placed in sheimos, and replaced with another strap. The leftover pieces of torn straps may not be used unless they are long enough and wide enough on their own. A person should always be careful that the outside of his tefillin straps are outward when he ties them on his arm and head.

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 4:1

Tefillin of the head are placed on the skull at the end of the hairline towards the face, where a child’s head is soft. One must be careful to place it in the center, so that it will be between the eyes (i.e., horizontally; vertically, they are somewhat higher). The knot should be at the top of the neck, the base of the skull.