396. Wrapping and Tying the Parchments

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 3:7

When the parchments of both the head tefillin and the arm tefillin are rolled closed, they are rolled from the end towards the beginning so that if the parchment were to be rolled open, it would be possible to read each passage from start to finish.

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 3:8

Before placing the parchments in the compartments, they must be wrapped in fabric and hair must be wound around them. After this has been done, they may be placed in the boxes. The hair must come from a kosher species of domestic or wild animal - even one that died without ritual slaughter or that was torn by a predator. It has become a universal practice to use hair from a calf’s tail.