394. Making Tefillin of the Arm

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 3:3

The leather of the head tefillin is left on the cube until it dries, then it is removed. This forms the leather into four empty compartments. One of the parchments is inserted into each of the compartments. Part of the leather is folded beneath them and they are sewn shut on the four corners. A place for the straps to be inserted is left in this lower piece of leather, like a handle.

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 3:4

Tefillin of the arm are made using a wooden block whose length is the same as its width and whose height is a fingerbreadth, more or less. The wet leather is wrapped around it and removed once it has dried. The parchment is placed in the hollow made by the mold. A piece of the leather is folded beneath it and sewn shut on the four corners. A piece of leather like a handle must be left for the straps.