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Sheviis 10:7-8

Sheviis 10:7

Rabbi Eliezer says that a beehive is considered like real estate so that a prozbul can be written against it. It is not susceptible to ritual impurity when it is in its place (but it is when removed). One who takes honey from a beehive on Shabbos must bring a sin-offering. The Sages, however, say that a beehive is not like real estate, a prozbul cannot be written against it, it is susceptible to impurity while still in its place, and one who takes honey from a beehive on Shabbos is exempt.

Sheviis 10:8

If a person comes to repay a loan in the sabbatical year, the lender must say that he releases the debt. The borrower may say, “I still wish to repay.” In this case, the lender may accept the repayment. The Torah says, “This is the matter of release” (Deut. 15:2). The word “davar” (matter) also means a word, meaning that the lender must verbally release the debt. Similarly, if one who committed manslaughter goes to a city of refuge and the residents want to honor him, he must inform them that he killed. If they still want to honor him, he may accept as per Deut. 19:4, “This is the matter (davar) of the manslaughterer.”

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz