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Sheviis 9:4-5

Sheviis 9:4

One may eat sabbatical produce in the house so long as that kind of produce can be found ownerless in the fields, but not if it is guarded. Rabbi Yossi permits it even if the produce is guarded. One may eat on the basis of sweet peas and trees that bear fruit twice a year but not because of grapes that ripen in the autumn. Rabbi Yehuda allows it if they ripened before the summer ended.

Sheviis 9:5

If a person pickled three types of vegetables in the same jar, Rabbi Eliezer says he may eat it so long as all three can still be found in the field; Rabbi Yehoshua says as long as any one of them can still be found. Rabban Gamliel says that if a species is no longer found in the field, only that one may no longer be eaten but the others in the jar still may; the law is in accordance with his view. Rabbi Shimon says that all the vegetables in the jar are considered as one vis-à-vis the laws of removal. One may eat purslane (moss rose) so long as vetch (a legume) can be found in the Beis Netofa valley.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz