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Sheviis 8:7-8

Sheviis 8:7

One may not cook sabbatical vegetables in tithe oil out of fear that he may render the oil unfit, though Rabbi Shimon permits it. Things exchanged for sabbatical produce acquire the sanctity of the produce, while the produce itself is rendered prohibited.

Sheviis 8:8

One may not use sabbatical produce to purchase servants, land or non-kosher animals. If one did so, he must spend the equivalent amount on food and drink. One may not bring bird sacrifices for men or women who experienced an emission, or for women who gave birth, using birds purchased with sabbatical funds. If one did, he must spend the equivalent amount on food and drink. One may not anoint utensils with sabbatical oil. If one did, he must spend the equivalent amount on food and drink.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz