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Sheviis 8:3-4

Sheviis 8:3

Produce of the sabbatical year may not be sold by weight, volume or count, nor may figs (which are normally sold by weight) be sold by count, nor vegetables (normally sold by count) be sold by weight. Beis Shammai say they may also not be sold in bundles. Beis Hillel say that things that are normally tied in bundles in the home - such as leeks - may also be tied in bundles in the marketplace.

Sheviis 8:4

If a person pays a worker saying, “Here is a coin, go gather vegetables for me today,” the payment is not prohibited as sabbatical money (i.e., he’s paying for the work, not for the vegetables). If he says, “Get me vegetables for this today,” the payment is prohibited (because he’s paying for the vegetables). If one took a loaf from the baker and said, “When I gather vegetables from the field, I’ll bring you some,” it is permitted. If he didn’t say anything, he may not use money exchanged for sabbatical produce to pay the baker because money exchanged for sabbatical produce may not be used to pay one’s debts. (All the more so he may not pay the baker with actual produce.)

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz