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Sheviis 8:1-2

Sheviis 8:1

The Sages stated an important principle about the sabbatical year: whatever is designated for human consumption may not be used to make a medicinal salve for people, and certainly not for animals. Whatever is not designated for human consumption may be used to make a medicinal salve for people, but not for animals. If something is not designated for human or animal consumption, if he intended to use it for both animals and people, it is subject to the stringencies of both human food (not to make a medicinal salve) and animal feed (not to be cooked). If he intended to use it for firewood, it’s the same as regular firewood. This includes things like hyssop and thyme, which can be sources of food or fuel.

Sheviis 8:2

Produce of the sabbatical year can be used for food, drink and anointing – consuming what is normally consumed and anointing with what is normally used for anointing. For example, one may not anoint with wine or vinegar but he may anoint with oil. The same is true with terumah and maaser sheini (second tithe). Produce of the sabbatical year is less stringent than terumah and maaser sheini in that it may be used as fuel.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz