390. Malei and Chaseir in Tefillin - part 2

Editor’s note: Malei (“full”) means including an “optional” letter vav or yud as part of a vowel; chaseir (“deficient”) means lacking that letter.

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 2:6

In the third section of tefillin:

The letters ayin of shema and daled of echad are written oversized; m’odecha - chaseir; l’vanecha - malei; b’veisecha - without the second yud; u’v’kumecha - malei; l’os - malei; yadecha - chaseir; l’totafos - without both letters vav; einecha - malei; mezuzos - without the first vav; beisecha - without the second yud; u’visharecha - malei.

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 2:7

In the fourth section:

shamoa - malei; mitzvosai - with only one vav; yoreh - malei; u’malkosh - malei; v’siroshcha - without a vav; v’hishtachavisem - malei; y’vulah - malei; hatova - chaseir; nosein - chaseir; osam - chaseir; l’os - malei; l’totafos - without the second vav; eineichem - malei; osam - chaseir; b’veisecha - without the second yud; u’v’kumecha - malei; mezuzos - malei; beisecha - without the second yud; u’visharecha - malei; la’avoseichem - without a vav.