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Sheviis 7:6-7

Sheviis 7:6

The laws of the sabbatical apply to the rose, the cypress, the balsam and the lotus, and to money received in exchange for them. Rabbi Shimon says it does not apply to the balsam because its produce is resin, which comes from the wood and not a fruit.

Sheviis 7:7

If a rose that grew in the sabbatical year was preserved in oil of the sixth year, the rose may be taken out before the time of removal of sabbatical produce and the oil need not be removed (because the flavor of the newer rose is not absorbed by the older oil unless it remains there for a long time). If a rose of the sabbatical year is preserved in oil of the eighth year, the oil must be removed (because the flavor of the older rose is easily absorbed by the newer oil). If carobs of the sabbatical year are preserved in wine of the sixth year or of the eighth year, in either case the wine must be removed (because it invariably absorbs the flavor of the carobs). The general rule is that if something imparts flavor and they are of two different types (such as carobs and wine), then it must be removed. If there is only one type of produce involved, then even the smallest quantity is enough to require removal. Shemittah renders prohibited in any amount of the same species and when imparting flavor between different species.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz