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Sheviis 7:4-5

Sheviis 7:4

If one purchased a blemished first-born animal from a kohein for his son’s wedding feast or for the pilgrimage to Jerusalem and he doesn’t end up needing it, he may sell it. If those who hunt wild animals, birds or fish happen to come across non-kosher species, they may sell them. Rabbi Yehuda says that anyone who happens upon non-kosher species may sell them provided that this is not their actual occupation; the Sages do not permit this.

Sheviis 7:5

The laws of the sabbatical and of removal apply to the soft branches of the service tree (sorbus domestica) and the carob tree, and to money received in exchange for them. The laws of the sabbatical apply to the soft branches of the terebinth, the pistachio tree, and the white thorn, and to money received in exchange for them, but removal does not apply to them. Removal does apply to their leaves because the leaves fall off their stems in the winter.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz