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Sheviis 6:6-7:1

Sheviis 6:6

One may not bring terumah (tithes) from outside Israel into Israel. Rabbi Shimon reported that he heard that they may be brought in from Syria (land annexed to Israel by King David) but not from outside Israel.

Sheviis 7:1

The Sages stated an important principle about the sabbatical year: the sabbatical rules apply to human food, animal feed, and to plants used for dyeing that do not last in the ground, and to money received for these items (i.e., the money assumes the sanctity of the produce). The law of removing from the house also applies to these items and to money received for them. (Non-exhaustive) examples of such produce for humans include onion leaves, mint leaves, chicory, leeks, and lily. For animals, thorns and thistles. For dyeing, woad and madder.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz