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Sheviis 3:5-6

Sheviis 3:5

A person may not open a quarry in his field for the first time during the sabbatical year unless it contains three layers measuring three cubits long by three cubits wide by three cubits high (about 4.5 feet in each direction), 27 stones in total.

Sheviis 3:6

If a wall contains ten stones, each of which requires two men to carry, it may be removed in the sabbatical year; the wall must be at least ten handbreadths tall (about 30 inches). If the wall is shorter than this, he may not remove it altogether but he may reduce it in height to one handbreadth from the ground. This is about one’s own wall in his own field; if he has a wall in a neighbor’s field, he may remove it. The restrictions on removing the wall from his own field only apply if he did not begin in the sixth year; if he started in the sixth year, he may remove whatever he likes.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz